giovedì 29 marzo 2012

Linux Red Hat cluster commands

To view service packages status

 ------- ----                                                     ----- ------                                                     -----
 service:srv_GFS_nodo1                                            site-hostbe1-priv                                              started
 service:srv_GFS_nodo2                                            site-hostbe2-priv                                              started
 service:srv_applications                                         site-hostbe1-priv                                              started    [Z]

To freeze a service package (i.e. named  "myservice"). Service is no more under test so - cluster doesn't start services if they are stopped.
clusvcadm -Z  "myservice"

To unfreeze a service package  (i.e. named  "myservice"). Service is  under test again - so cluster doesn't start services if they are not running.
clusvcadm -U  "myservice"

To start a single service wich belongs to a service package
General sintax: rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf   start  service [servicename]  where service may be a script or a ip address. (also stop/status options available)
For example:
rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf  start script CONF
rg_test test  /etc/cluster/cluster.conf   start   ip  (sample only)
rg_test test  /etc/cluster/cluster.conf   start   clusterfs GFSCONF 

where from cluster.conf file
 <script file="/usr/local/pathplat/current/heartbeat/scripts/conf_ctl_init" name="CONF"/>
<ip ref=""/>
<clusterfs device="/dev/GFSBE/GFSCONF" force_unmount="1" fstype="gfs" mountpoint="/usr/local/pathcm/current/server/default/repository" name="GFSCONF" options=""/>
<service autostart="1" domain="Nodi_12" name="srv_applications">
                        <ip ref=""/>
                        <script ref="CONF" __independent_subtree="1"/>
 <service autostart="1" domain="Nodo2" name="srv_GFS_nodo2">
                        <clusterfs ref="GFSCONF"/>

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